Senin, 22 September 2008


SKF Caster Analyst System

The system, consisting of a specialized on-line load and temperature unit for advanced and reliable data collection, enables operators to monitor critical temperature and load data during production. SKF Caster Analyst System also contributes to optimizing equipment reliability, helping mills avoid unplanned stops and catastrophic failures.
The system’s advanced data processing and sharing capabilities can even help mills secure and meet future productivity targets.

Benefit: Reduce planned and unplanned downtime, Increase productivity, Lower maintenance costs, Reduce the risk of catastrophic equipment failures, Optimize maintenance procedures, Improve slab quality

2 komentar:

giwang abadi mengatakan...

bener tuh jar, namanya juga mahasiswa!!!
jadi kita harus mempelajari sesuatu yang kita belum pelajari supaya lulus dapat nilai bagus dan dapet pekerjaan yang weenaak nantinya....betul gak???

Amir lazuardi mengatakan...

wow bang fajar ternyata jago bhs inggriss juga yach