Senin, 20 Oktober 2008


VMS Modifications to Implement the Common Electronic Data Interchange (CEDI) System

Provider Types Affected
Suppliers submitting claims to Medicare contractors (DME Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs)) for services provided to Medicare beneficiaries
Provider Action Needed
Change Request (CR) 5755 prescribes the requirements for the system changes necessary to prepare for the implementation of the DME MAC CEDI front end. CR5755 does not affect Fiscal intermediaries (FIs), carriers, Regional Home Health Intermediaries (RHHIs), the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS),or the Multi-Carrier System (MCS). This article is informational only forsuppliers and suppliers need not make any changes to their claim submission processes.
Karena adanya permintaan atau claim dari supplier maka Medicare contractors melakukan modifikasi dari VMS untuk meng iplementasikan Common Electronic Data Interchange (CEDI) System

1 komentar:

Amir lazuardi mengatakan...

jar sebernya gw mau kasih komen tapi gw kgk ngerti...jadi komen gw adlah kalo bisa pake bhs indonesia aj postingan selanjutnya..
in "how to learn information system"